All England Athletics affiliated clubs have access to a number (determined by the size of membership) of guaranteed places at the London Marathon.
To apply for a place, first check you must fulfil the below criteria:
1. You must have entered the London Marathon ballot and received a rejection letter / email.
2. Not won a place in the club ballot for the previous 2 years.
3. Been a member for at least 24 months
4. Paid your subscription in full
5. Helped the club with marshalling or other duties at club races/Parkrun on at least 3 occasions in each of the preceding 2 years
6. Members must be affiliated to England Athletics.
7. The ballot is open to first claim members only.
8. If any places remain after the above criteria are satisfied, then the Management Committee has the power to allocate such places as it feels fit.
The winner of the 2024 ballot entered into the 2025 TCS London Marathon is… JASON GIBBONS!!!